Monday, July 7, 2008

Membership Memo

We had a busy but wonderful weekend. We headed out for Falls Baptist Church around 8 AM Sunday morning. We made it in time for Sunday School, albeit we were just a few minutes late.
We enjoyed the morning worship service and Pastor Van Gelderen's message. It was just another confirmation that we are exactly where God wants us. At the close of the service, during the invitation, we joined the church.
The evening service was a blessing too. We enjoyed a July 4th presentation, detailing the accounts that led up to the writing of the Star Spangled Banner. Pastor Van Geldren preached a message detailing some of the attacks Satan in bringing on the home. Another special event was enjoying Lord's Supper service with our new church family. How special it was to fellowship with our new church family during this special service.
After the evening service we were able to fellowship some with other church members. We have A LOT of people to get to know - but we are chomping at the bit and ready to make new friends.
Rachel and Mom tried out for choir and will start practicing with them next week. VBS is coming up at Falls and we are already slotted to be helpers during that week. So, we have hit the ground with our feet running. We are just praising the Lord for His leading and guiding in our lives. We are still praying for the house to sell and for the Lord to direct us to the house He has for us in the Milwaukee area. We will keep you posted on the events there.

Rejoicing in Him,
The Spurgeon's

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